I was recently in a dentist’s waiting room reading a library book. A couple walks in and notifies the receptionist they are their for their cleaning appointments. They sat down to wait as well and take out their iPads, with their matching black neoprene sleeves and begin amusing themselves, oddly together and separately.
Google Pimps for Cartoon Network?
Unless I’m mistaken, this is the first time Google has used a modern commercial entity as part of their search engine ‘doodle’. I remember when they did a doodle for Popeye, but that was a 115th birthday celebration of the original cartoonist who created Popeye. Scooby-Doo, the original TV cartoon is currently owned by Cartoon Network, which presumeably would have to have given permission for its use.
Chain Spam Etiquette
I recently got an email from my friend warning about pending doom coming from a computer virus. There’s a copy of it in the blockquote below.
Filemaker 11 – The Missing Design Tools
Filemaker 11 is certainly leaps ahead of previous versions. charts, scripted report creation, quick find, object inspector, object focus scripting, portal filtering and object badges are awesome editions to the pallet of tools available for data developers and designers. There are a lot of excellent reviews out there about what the latest version contains. However, there are a few features that could use some attention.